Sunday, May 22, 2016

Dearest lavender

Dearest Lavender,

These letters I have writen to you are some of my thoughts I think you needed to hear, I hope you enjoyed reading them every week and that you learned more about me through them. Thank you for reading and with that I am gone.

Breckell Robinson 

Dearest lavender

Dearest Lavender,

These letters I have writen to you are peices of my heart I thought you should read, I hope you enjoyed them and I am sorry I could not tell you who I was earlier it was because I wanted you to read my words how you wanted them to be read. So thank you lavender it has been fun, 

Breckell Robinson 

The last letter

Rip to late night ihop runs and toilet papering
Rip to homecoming games and homecoming dances
Rip to Friday night lights and jcw fights
Rip to being late to first period and missing 4th
Rip to teamwork on tests and homework cycles
Rip to the 30 minute long bathroom breaks
Rip to forced kisses and fake friends
Rip to highschool it's been fun
Rip to being 17 the age of the dancing queen
Rip to my youth